Nutrition and Food

Eggs Cooked Inside A Bell Pepper…Yes, This Is Real!

I tend to eat mostly the same breakfast. Either I make myself a green smoothie like this one I linked to, or I have some sort of oatmeal, almond butter and berry concoction, or its my favorite homemade breakfast burrito, which is eggs scrambled with spinach, avocado and salsa and wrapped in an Ezekiel tortilla. Sometimes I run out of ideas for breakfast that are quick and healthy…then I found this one and modified it and created my own.


Eggs in a bell pepper, who would have thought? Not only is this delicious, it is also grain-free for all of those with celiac disease, gluten intolerance, or just afraid of gluten, in general and it is paleo-friendly (being grain free and all!). Not to mention there is no milk product in this recipe, however you can garnish it with a little cheese of your choice, although I prefer sliced avocado on mine. I call this Breakfast Stuffed Bell Peppers, mostly because I associate eggs with breakfast. You can totally eat this for lunch or dinner if you prefer.

Breakfast Stuffed Bell Peppers

An innovative, low carbohydrate spin on a typical American breakfast!

(this is a 1 person recipe but you can make more just double or triple the amounts!)

  • 1 egg
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/4 cup white onion, chopped
  • 1 medium bell pepper (preferably red)
  • 1 cup fresh spinach, chopped
  • 1-2 tbsp. salsa of choice
  1. Sauté the onion and spinach in 1/2 tsp olive oil. Season with salsa after onion and spinach are sauteed. Distribute mixture evenly into pepper halves. Add 2 tbsp egg whites. Bake in oven at 375 for approx 30 min or until eggs are set.