Sweet Treats

Raw Desserts…Get Your Sweet On, Part Deux…Cashew Coconut Fudge!

Well, it’s still the holidays, and the influx of sweet treats appears to be never ending. If you are a sweets person like myself and you just can’t say no to all the chocolate covered, pumpkin spiced and peppermint flavored everything, this may be something you would enjoy. Do you like nuts? Do you like the sweetness of dates? Do you like coconut?

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If the answer to any or all of these is yes, you are in the right place. I discovered this raw goodie and decided since I now have my vitamin, I would attempt to re-create it. I am actually shocked at how good it is. Not too sweet, rich, because of the fats from the cashews and coconut, yet sweet from the dates. It has a fudge consistency because once cashews and dates are ground up in a blender together, they have a sticky consistency. I bet it would be even more fudge if you added cacao powder. Anyhow…one or two of these little guys shouldn’t break your calorie bank…and it won’t leave you feeling guilty after. HOWEVER, do remember that cashews and coconuts are FAT. Even though they are good fat, fat has a lot of calories, so if you eat 5 or 6 of these, you are still getting a lot of calories. It is still a treat and you should be mindful when eating treats.

Cashew Coconut Fudge

1 cup of raw cashews, soaked in water for an hour then drained

3-4 pitted dates

2-3 tablespoons of shredded coconut flakes

Soak cashews in enough water to cover for 1 hour. Drain and discard water.

Place cashews, dates, and 1 tablespoon of coconut shreds in a high powered blended and process until smooth. (If your blender has a tough time getting through it, add 1 tablespoon of raw coconut oil to thin.)

Transfer mixture to a bowl and refrigerate for 1 hour to solidify.

Use your hands to form small balls from the “fudge” before rolling in the remaining coconut shreds to coat.

Place raw cashew coconut fudge balls on a parchment-lined baking sheet and freeze for at least 1 hour. Remove from freezer 15 minutes prior to serving.


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