Sweet Treats

Want To Cool Off With A Healthy Treat? Try These…Chocolate Protein Berrysicles!

Image 4I guess this year in Los Angeles, summer decided to skip June, July and even August and just completely blast September.

Unfortunately for me, I live in an apartment without central AC, and the one unit is sadly, on the floor in the living room, hardly quality enough to saturate my entire apartment with the cool breeze it desires. So, I had heard about this particular fan that was supposed to be amazing, and yesterday I decided it was time to go buy it.

I went with my girlfriend to Bed, Bath and Beyond. Those of you who know this store know it is like Costco or Target for people who love home goods, extremely difficult to walk out with only the item you set out to purchase. As we perused the store, we passed the section with plastic molding items and she said to me, “You know, you should buy one of those plastic popsicle mold sets, it would be a cool idea to experiment and write about on your website, especially in this heat, it would be very timely.” Love my smart, innovative girlfriends…what a great idea! I had seen other people post pictures of cool fruit based popsicles they had created on their own, why not give it a try?

The molds run anywhere from 5-10 dollars, depending on how many molds you want in a set. I bought a basic set that had 4 popsicle molds in it.

When I got home I decided I didn’t want to waste any time and wanted to start my creation immediately (after I set up my new fan, of course!) I wanted something fruity, but more satisfying. I decided to add some chocolate protein powder to my mixture, and the results were actually pretty tasty. Featured below is my first popsicle recipe. You can do this without the protein powder, but I thought it would be a fun way to add a little extra protein in to my day. More cool popsicle recipes to come! Enjoy…


1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I used Vega protein powder, but feel free to use whatever you desire)

1 cup almond milk

1/2 cup frozen mixed berries

1/2 frozen banana

1 tbsp of honey or stevia, if you want them a little sweeter

Blend the mixture in a high powered blender. Pour into the molds and place in the freezer  for 3-4 hours. Take them out and and let them sit for a minute, they need to thaw a tad before they will come out of the molds.



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